It's here... a Money Mindset course that is ON POINT.

Only what you need. No Fluff.

Mindset is half of the battle to reach your unlimited potential.

But if you are not a "woo-woo" kind of person, you might have felt that the courses out there are just.too.much

And too lengthly. And full of fluff you don't really need.

All you need is a proven system that works. No matter how "woo-woo" you are.

It's here... a Money Mindset course that is ON POINT.

Only what you need. No fluff.

You knew that turning your creative passion into a business wouldn’t be easy

but you were not prepared for all the "mind-work" that comes with it.

You are tired of being told to just "manifest"

... and you know a catnap is not going to magically fix your problems.

  • You thought that skills were all you needed, but now you know it takes so much more than action

  • You don't get how people just "manifest" shit

  • You are not that much of a "woo-woo" person

  • You understand that limiting beliefs are different than limiting situations

  • You want to get clear with your own limiting beliefs

  • You are ready to step into your best self, you just don't know where to start

Welcome to Money Mindset Mastery

This is a system that I worked on in my mindset.

The system that took me from $20K to $130K in less than a year.

*and continued expanding how much I receive in business. And helped my clients reach $1M in revenue in 18-months.

Yep, fur real.

No more Googling "mindset tricks"

No more googling "mindset tricks"

No more feeling unworthy because you can't "manifest fast enough"

No more comparing your beginning to someone's end

No more believing that "people like me" can't accomplish greatness

That’s where the proven,


to turn dreams into reality

That’s where the proven, made-for-real-people

to turn dreams into reality comes in...

Do you want to know the truth?


your mindset can be improved


you CAN live your dream life [and have your dream business]


there is a simple way to make it happen

And YES!

Money Mindset Mastery is a good way to get you there

let me show you how...

Do you want to know the truth?


your mindset can be improved


you can live your dream life [and have your dream business]


there is a simple way to make it happen

And YES!

Money Mindset Mastery is a good way to get you there

let me show you how...

I want to show you

what you really desire

not what people expect from you

I want to show you what it looks like to be your best self.

No one is perfect. We can always be better. But...

What if… there is a way that we can tap into that, while feeling worthy and attracting the money more than you ever dreamed of

This is the reality I want you to see, and feel:

  • Charging your clients the correct energetic exchange.

  • Define what you really desire in life, not the expectations people, and society, have for you.

  • Have more money that you can dream of.

  • Support your business growth without any fears.

  • Support your lifestyle, and get that financial peace of mind (whatever this looks like for you).

  • Support businesses and organizations you believe in.

  • Because... with more money, you do have more power to support that change you want to see.

  • Have the CAT of your CATNIP all figured out, and working in a system and rhythm that feels right to YOU.

I want to show you

what you really desire

not what people expect from you

This is the reality I want you to see, and feel:

  • Charging your clients what you are worth

  • Define what you really desire in life, not the expectations people, and society, have for you

  • Have more money than you can dream of

  • Support your lifestyle, and get that financial peace of mind (whatever this looks like for you)

  • Support businesses and organizations you believe in

  • Because... with more money, you do have more power to support that change you want to see

  • Have the CAT of your CATNIP all figured out, and working in a system and rhythm that feels right to YOU

Here’s how we’ll do it.

Here’s how we’ll do it.

Money Mindset


A Money Mindset course without all the fluff

Money Mindset Mastery is different from any other Money Mindset course you’ve seen before.

Profit First for Creatives is different from any other Profit First course or consult you’ve seen before.


As a solopreneur, I know how valuable your time is.

I created a mini course, where the core content is broken down in mini-lessons (5 to 15 minutes each)

The bonus lessons are short and sweet, still packed with actionable information.



(Except the occasional cat fluff that ends up on my clothes, that is 😉)

This is not just “what I heard on the internet”.

This is actually the blueprint for the CAT of my CATNIP framework.

It has no fluff, just the information you need to start the change into your best self.

This is the mindset framework I use for my personal life and business.



I know not everyone can invest 5 figures in mindset coaching.

MMM is catered for everyone, at any level of mindset work.

No matter what stage of business you’re in, you will see your mindset shift.




As a solopreneur, I know how valuable your time is.

I created a mini course, where the core content is broken down in mini-lessons (about 5 minutes each) and less than 1 hour total.

The bonus lessons are short and sweet, still packed with actionable information.



(Except the occasional cat fluff that ends up on my clothes, that is 😉)

This is not just “what I heard on the internet”.

This is actually the blueprint for the CAT of my CATNIP framework.

It has no fluff, just the information you need to start the change into your best self.

This is the mindset framework I use for my personal life and business..



I know not everyone can invest 5 figures in mindset coaching.

MMM is catered for everyone, at any level of mindset work.

No matter what stage of business you’re in, you will see your mindset shift.


With Money Mindset Mastery, you will...

  • Learn to identify which beliefs are holding you back, and how to transform them

  • Understand what mindset really is

  • How to, successfully, implement your desired beliefs

  • Understand what money really is

  • Step into your Quantum Self

  • Reframe debt

  • Leverage your Human Design to your manifestation

  • Define and step into your CAT

  • Learn to identify which beliefs are holding you back, and how to transform them

  • Understand what mindset really is

  • How to, successfully, implement your desired beliefs

  • Understand what money really is

  • Reframe debt

  • Leverage your Human Design to your manifestation

  • Define and step into your CAT

What's Included


Lifetime access to the course

As my mindset change and I evolve, this course will be updated.

You are in for ALL THAT.


Money Mindset Mastery Training

All the goods. All the successes from my trial and errors.

A training with explanation of concepts and a blueprint on how to work with your mindset to work it for you.


Journal prompts

To unlock your full potential.

A rinse-and-repeat system that can keep taking you to the next level.


Bonus lessons

Bonus lessons to help you troubleshoot specific aspects of your mindset.

All very simple and you can tackle exactly what you need in less than 10 minutes!

The Investment

total value = $5,000

Today's Price = $222 $47

The Course Includes:

Lifetime Access to Money Mindset Training • Value of $3,500

Worksheets • Value of $97

Bonus lessons • Value of $2,000+

The Course Includes:

Lifetime Access to Money Mindset Mastery Training

Value of $3,500


Value of $97

Journal Prompts

Value of $197

Bonus Lessons

Value of $2,000+

What are they saying....

The investment

Money Mindset Mastery

TOTAL VALUE = $5,000+

Today's Price = $222 $47


I’m Giovana, but you can call me Gigi.

I’m Giovana,

but you can call me Gigi.

I can’t wait to show you

just how easy + empowering it can be to run

a profitable creative business.

As a Profit First strategist and mindset coach, I help female + non-binary entrepreneurs understand the stories their numbers tell, so they can grow their businesses in an intentional way.

After a few months into being a solopreneur, I noticed that there was ONE thing holding me back - and that was me.

Being into mindfulness for over a decade, I dipped my toes into the mindset and manifestation industry. And I felt SO OUT OF PLACE.

How couldn’t I just manifest sh*t? Isn’t it visualizing, journaling? Why things were not happening?

I learned from my mentor the one missing link - letting go of my past. Letting go of things that, willingly or unwillingly, I was taught as a child about money and wealth.

This. my friend, what the missing piece to really start being that change, and stepping into being my best self.

It can be so much easier than this, friend. Are you ready to discover how?

The Investment

total value = $5,000+

Today's Price = $222 $47

The Course Includes:

Lifetime Access to Money Mindset Training • Value of $3,500

Worksheets • Value of $97

Journal Prompts • Value of $197

Bonus lessons • Value of $2,000+

The Course Includes:

Lifetime Access to Money Mindset Mastery Training

Value of $3,500


Value of $97

Journal Prompts

Value of $197

Bonus Lessons

Value of $2,000+

What are they saying....

The investment

Money Mindset Mastery

TOTAL VALUE = $5,000+

Today's Price = $222 $47

You might be wondering…

Why is Money Mindset impaw-tant?

Mindset is how we act. Money Mindset is how we act and react towards money. If you feel stuck in the same income level, this course will help you unlock the next phase.

Why a course? Are you trying to upsell something?

Time is our most valuable resource.

I want to honor your time, while still giving you a whole lot of juicy information.

The only thing you might want after this is... get the rest of the courses or work with me!

Why MMM? Why you?

Well, I can only teach what I tried, and learned.

My strategy is a lot of trial and error. This is good so I can share my wins, and I know what works, what is important and what is just fluff. I’m sharing exactly how I work on my mindset.

And mindset is an on-going work. As my strategy changes, as I learn more, as I get to the next level, all of that will be shared with you.


Designed With Love By Meera B.